Theme Park Will Boost Murcia Property Prices
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By Andrew Ferguson - - Sep 18, 2010 - 8:18 PM
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By Andrew Ferguson - - Sep 18, 2010 - 8:18 PM
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The general wisdom in the UK is that the Spanish property market has tanked, that construction has ground to a standstill, and that barge-poles are required to handle Spanish real estate. However, for patient investors, and for individuals canny enough to have waited for the bubble to burst, things in Murcia - in the south-east of Spain - are looking very tasty indeed.
News that the biggest theme park in Spain is to be built in Murcia is set to bolster property sales over the coming years. The announcement is the cherry on the Murcian property cake – and an investment feeding frenzy is beginning as a result.
The general wisdom in the UK is that the Spanish property market has tanked, that construction has ground to a standstill, and that barge-poles are required to handle Spanish real estate. However, for patient investors, and for individuals canny enough to have waited for the bubble to burst, things in Murcia - in the south-east of Spain - are looking very tasty indeed.
News that the biggest theme park in Spain is to be built in Murcia is set to bolster property sales over the coming years. The announcement is the cherry on the Murcian property cake – and an investment feeding frenzy is beginning as a result.
Новость о строительстве парка «Парамаунт Пикчерз» не сходит со страниц нашей печати. Спешу поделиться и с вами статьёй от 18 сентября.
Продажи в регионе в июне выросли на 15,7%. Ожидается, что августовская новость о строительстве, даст рост цен уже к концу текущего года.
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